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Monday, August 31, 2009

The Old "Evil Boss" Bit

Darlings!  Getting up and going to work every day (assuming one has not lost one's position of employment in the recent economic debacle), is difficult in even the best of circumstances, but “people problems” is listed as the #1 reason for drinking on the job and public urination.  It is sad that my dear reader has taken that unfortunate turn.  Thank God s/he has come to Mylesie—let’s hope it’s not too late, kittens, but in any case, it’s grist for the mill.

Dear Mylesie:

How can I deal with a difficult boss? The boss is sooooo out of touch with my perspective that it is like working on Mars with Uranus expectations!! HELP!!!!

--At My Wit’s End in Schenectady

Dear Wit’s End,

Is your boss "sucking the fun out" of every element of your job?  Would you rather jam a pen in your eye than go in to work every day?  When your boss walks down the hall, do you pee a little?  You already know the answer to all of this, Wit’s End. While I wouldn’t recommend immediately up and quitting, I would definitely be sharpening up the old resume.  Call in favors from your contacts, or better, take a week or two to really think about where you want to focus that crazy, creative energy that is just dying to be unleashed. You can get a crap job anywhere. But now, where will you go (and go you eventually MUST)  to do your life’s work?

That being said, Mars is bad enough, but I certainly wouldn’t want to be anywhere near Uranus.

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